2025 Mapping Housekeeping Amendment
2025 Mapping Housekeeping Amendment
CPED staff is analyzing comprehensive plan and zoning map amendments that address errors and inconsistencies catalogued after adoption of Minneapolis 2040, and after the completion of the Built Form and Land Use rezoning studies. It is not the intent of this housekeeping amendment to create or reinterpret comprehensive plan policy, but to ensure that adopted policy was applied correctly and consistently. The proposed amendments to Minneapolis 2040 maps will require review by affected jurisdictions as well as the Metropolitan Council prior to any zoning changes taking effect.
Staff intends to bring final recommendations to the April 14, 2025, regular meeting of the City Planning Commission. Changes to the comprehensive plan maps require the city to provide the opportunity for affected governmental jurisdictions to review these changes. Once recommendations are approved by the City Council, they will be sent to the Metropolitan Council for review and comment before returning to the city for final adoption, with map amendments likely taking effect sometime in the summer of 2025. The City Planning Commission previously reviewed corrections to the mapping of the Shoreland Overlay District. After the public hearing, some discrepancies were discovered, and the project was paused. Updated Shoreland corrections are expected to be included in this project.
With adoption of Minneapolis 2040 (2020), the Built Form Overlay districts (2021), and the Land Use Rezoning Study (2023), every parcel in the city has been designated with new policy direction and new zoning districts. Due to the constantly evolving nature of the built environment in the city, several categories of policy and zoning map conflicts have arisen as these new districts are implemented. This project intends to address those unique situations and remedy conflicts and errors made in creating these maps. This effort is not intended to be an opportunity to reinterpret policy or to develop new policy. The changes are intended to more accurately reflect already adopted policy intentions and address conflicting direction inadvertently created by unique on the ground circumstances. These changes fall into a small number of common situations outlined below.
Existing commercial uses with Urban Neighborhood future land use guidance
Parcel combinations that created split zoning
Sites where zoning does not match comprehensive plan guidance
Staff identified unique situations
March 14, 2025 - City Planning Commission Committee of the Whole
April 14, 2025 - City Planning Commission (Public Hearing)
May 6, 2025 - Business, Housing and Zoning committee of the City Council
May 15, 2025 - City Council
TBD - Metropolitan Council review
Summer 2025 - Final Adoption
Feedback on the proposed changes can be sent to [email protected]. Comments received will be included in a staff report to the City Planning Commission and the City Council.