Minneapolis 2040 - The City's Comprehensive Plan

The Metropolitan Land Planning Act requires municipalities in the Twin Cities area to provide the Metropolitan Council with an updated Comprehensive Plan every ten years. The Comprehensive Plan must be consistent with the Metropolitan Council’s regional development guide, Thrive MSP 2040, that sets the direction for the region’s growth and development. Local communities are served by regional systems planned by the Metropolitan Council, including housing, transportation, wastewater collection and treatment, and regional parks.

During more than two years of engagement, the people of Minneapolis shared their vision and hopes for the future of our city. A main theme voiced was that as the city grows, everyone must benefit from that growth. Historically, not everyone has. This plan is one opportunity to undo barriers and overcome inequities created by a history of policies in our city that have prevented equitable access to housing, jobs, and investments.

The plan reflects the result of more than two years of engagement with the people of Minneapolis, including over 100 meetings and conversations with thousands of residents, business owners, and others. Public feedback directly helped to establish priorities and inform the content of the plan. From March 22 through July 22, 2018, the City engaged with the public to discuss a first draft of the plan and to encourage review and feedback. Following the close of the public comment period on July 22, City staff made revisions to the plan based on public feedback, and presented a final draft to the City Planning Commission and City Council in Fall 2018. For more details about the process see the Planning Process section.

On December 7, 2018, the City Council adopted a resolution authorizing staff to transmit the plan to the Metropolitan Council for their review by December 31, 2018. The Metropolitan Council completed review and approval and the City Council and Mayor's took action to finalize the document in October 2019. The legislative file can be found here. Minneapolis 2040 policies and action steps took effect on January 1, 2020. While Minneapolis 2040 is intended to meet the requirements of state statute and the Metropolitan Council, the plan also has particular significance for Minneapolis in a time of population and employment growth. The City will use this plan to guide decision-making that affects the long-term future of our city as it relates to the built, natural, and economic environment.

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