Minneapolis 2040 PDF

Minneapolis 2040 is presented on this web site in an interactive format, with plan policies organized by both goals and topics. The intent of this format is to convey that the plan policies are interconnected, and that many of them are tied to multiple goals and multiple topics.

On October 25, 2019, the Minneapolis City Council adopted a resolution to approve Minneapolis 2040. The policies in Minneapolis 2040 have an effective date of January 1, 2020. Since initial adoption, several amendments to the maps in the plan have been approved by the City Council and the Metropolitan Council. Materials below reflect those approved changes through June 2024.

Minneapolis 2040 with Appendices - Adopted by the Minneapolis City Council on October 25, 2019 and as amended through June 2024 (PDF, 1,256 pages)

Minneapolis 2040 Policies only (PDF, 341 pages)

Minneapolis 2040 - Appendix

Previous Actions

On December 7, 2018, the Minneapolis City Council approved the draft Minneapolis 2040 comprehensive plan that included changes proposed by the City Planning Commission and the City Council, directing staff to submit the plan to the Metropolitan Council for review. On January 18, 2019, Metropolitan Council staff determined Minneapolis 2040 to be incomplete. On May 21, 2019, and again on June 18, 2019, City staff submitted an updated version of Minneapolis 2040 for Metropolitan Council review.

The Minneapolis 2040 City of Minneapolis legislative file is linked below and includes all City Council actions related to the plan. Documents that summarize all changes made at various stages of the review and approval process for the plan are also available at the link below.

Minneapolis 2040 Legislative File

Additional Resources

In addition to the above PDF versions of the full Minneapolis 2040 comprehensive plan and appendices, staff will occasionally produce other PDF documents repackaging information from the Plan. Please see below for any such documents.

Minneapolis 2040 - Executive Summary (PDF, 11 Pages)

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