Phase 5: Review (March 2018 – October 2019)

In Spring 2018, a draft comprehensive plan document was released for public review. From May through July a series of engagement activities were hosted to gather public feedback on the draft comprehensive plan document. At the same time the plan was reviewed by neighboring cities, and applicable government jurisdictions.

All comments collected during this process were compiled and presented to the City Planning Commission and the City Council to inform decisions on final plan revision and adoption.

In December 2018 at the direction of the City Council, staff submitted the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan to the Metropolitan Council for their review. The Metropolitan Council determined at their September 25, 2019, meeting that the plan conforms to regional system plans, is consistent with the Thrive MSP 2040 regional plan, and is consistent with regional forecasts for growth. On October 25, 2019, the Minneapolis City Council adopted a resolution to approve Minneapolis 2040 with an effective date of January 1, 2020.

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