Healthy Food in Institutions: Support schools, parks, hospitals, and other institutions and organizations in their efforts to create a healthy food environment and carry out related initiatives.

More Minneapolis residents are paying attention to what they eat, where it comes from and how it affects their health and the environment. Unfortunately, the foods that are best for our health and the environment are often more expensive and harder to find, especially in lower-income communities. Easy access to calorie-dense foods and limited access to nutrient-dense foods contribute to higher rates of obesity, diabetes and other diet-related illnesses. By making nutritious whole foods more accessible and affordable and unhealthy processed foods less accessible, we can help make the healthy choice the easy choice, reduce the risk and cost of obesity and diet-related disease, and boost economic prosperity.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to support schools, parks, hospitals, and other institutions and organizations in their efforts to create a healthy food environment and carry out related initiatives.

  1. Leverage policy, partnerships and funding opportunities to continue, expand and improve local and healthy food consumption, production, distribution, composting and education.
  2. Promote organizational policies and regulations that provide incentives or require organizations to promote and maintain a healthy food environment.
  3. Support school gardens and farm-to-school and garden-to-cafeteria efforts.
  4. Ensure the resources and time for a healthy breakfast, lunch, and snacks for all children in schools and other institutions serving them.
  5. Incentivize, encourage and partner with institutions to achieve communitywide health goals.
  6. Expand opportunities for the production, sale, and consumption of healthy food in parks, in collaboration with local producers, agencies, and organizations.
  7. Support healthy food skills education.
  8. Expand school food shelf programs for students and their families which provide free healthy food options for use at home on evenings and weekends.
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