Social Connectedness: Expand and promote opportunities for all residents to connect socially and participate fully in the vitality of their community.

Social connectivity is incredibly important in creating and maintaining the relationships that make our communities stronger and more resilient. Through programs and the design of community spaces, including parks, community and youth centers, new buildings and city streets, Minneapolis can foster environments to increase social connectedness, helping to improve individual health and resilience and leading to stronger, more engaged communities and greater involvement in City decision-making.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to expand and promote opportunities for all residents to connect socially and participate fully in the vitality of their community.

  1. Actively build the community’s capacity to strengthen authentic engagement through neighborhood associations and City advisory committees and to facilitate meaningful resident, business owner and property owner input into City policies, programs and procedures.
  2. Create new avenues to facilitate meaningful engagement with underrepresented and vulnerable communities that are culturally accessible.
  3. Expand activity and participatory arts programs for older adults, extracurricular activities for youth social engagement, youth peer mentoring and intergenerational mentoring.
  4. Ensure safe and welcoming community spaces for all, including parks, community and youth centers, and city streets and rights of way, located in all areas of the city.
  5. Ensure integrated community centers that provide space for recreational and educational programming, counseling and support services, and socialization.
  6. Support and encourage the expansion of public events that bring communities together in public and private spaces.
  7. Expand the use of social media to share information and encourage collaboration and civic engagement.
  8. Encourage development of intergenerational single-family homes and multi-family housing. 
  9. Encourage the development and implementation of transportation and wayfinding programs that further enhance the connectedness of Minneapolis tourism assets, including hospitality, local businesses, event centers and other destinations.
  10. Evaluate community engagement strategies on an ongoing basis to ensure all communities are reached. 
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