Chicago Avenue Corridor Plan

Plan Background

In 2010-2011 the City of Minneapolis department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED) engaged area residents, institutions, businesses and other stakeholders in a corridor planning process for Chicago Avenue between I-94 and the Midtown Greenway. The project was staffed by the CPED-Planning Division and guided by a steering committee representative of key stakeholders. The City Council adopted the Chicago Avenue Corridor Plan and associated zoning changes on January 13, 2012. The Plan provides guidance for future development and land use changes, outlines multimodal transportation initiatives in the area, and includes an action plan for focusing investment on Chicago Avenue.

Chicago Avenue Corridor Plan (2012)

Future Land Use and Built Form

Recommendations from the land use map in the Chicago Avenue Corridor Plan are altered slightly in the Minneapolis 2040 future land use map to better reflect plan goals related to access to housing, jobs, and goods and services. Much of the plan area remains guided for future public, office, and institutional uses – which allows for continued expansion of housing and commercial along the high frequency transit route present on Chicago Avenue.

The corridor plan does not have a parcel specific built form map. Consistent with the way similar transit corridors are treated throughout the city, ‘Corridor 6’ is applied on the Chicago Avenue frontage with the ‘Interior 2’ category applied on properties not fronting the corridor. Closer to the Midtown Greenway the ‘Transit 10’ category is applied to take advantage of the increased bicycle, pedestrian, and transit access available at that location.

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