Franklin-Cedar/Riverside Area Master Plan

Plan Background

The Franklin-Cedar/Riverside Transit Oriented Development Station Area Master Plan is part of a series of long-range plans for transit-oriented development (TOD) around Hiawatha LRT station sites. The area of study includes Cedar/Riverside, Seward, East Phillips, and Ventura Village. It focuses on land uses, urban design, public infrastructure, and amenities located within a 1/2-mile of the station. The purpose of the Plan is to guide changes that build upon neighborhood strengths and capitalize on opportunities.

Franklin-Cedar/Riverside Area Master Plan (2002)

Future Land Use and Built Form

The master plan does not contain a parcel based land use or built form map, rather a master plan concept map showing building uses and potential development footprints. Recommendations for the area in the Cedar Riverside neighborhood were updated through the Cedar-Riverside Small Area Plan process (2008). A summary of how those recommendations were incorporated into Minneapolis 2040 can be found on that plan page. For the Franklin station area portion of the master plan, a companion document was also used to inform the guidance in Minneapolis 2040. The Franklin Avenue LRT Station Area Development Implementation Plan was developed in 2005 to further the recommendations found in this master plan. Both documents call for intensification of land use and built form near the station, with a long term eye toward transitioning away from industrial uses. Minneapolis 2040 reflects those recommendations on the future land use map through application of the Community Mixed Use category throughout most of the station area. The Production Mixed Use category is applied to those areas that are still occupied by industrial uses, but are likely to redevelop in the future into uses that directly take advantage of the land’s proximity to the light rail station. The built form map guides most properties for increased development intensity through application of the ‘Transit 10’ and ‘Transit 20’ categories.

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