Linden Hills Small Area Plan

Plan Background

The Linden Hills Neighborhood Council and the Community Development and Economic Development Department of the City of Minneapolis collaborated on the development of a small area plan for a portion of Linden Hills. A consulting team led by Short Elliot Hendrickson (SEH), Inc. led a broadly inclusive community engagement process to develop the small area plan, which creates a shared long-range vision for portions of Linden Hills.

Linden Hills Small Area Plan (2013)

Future Land Use and Built Form

The land use recommendations from the Linden Hills Small Area Plan are kept almost entirely intact in Minneapolis 2040. The extent of commercial mixed use is the same, with the exception of the addition of properties at 44th Street and Upton Avenue to the 43rd Street and Upton Avenue commercial area. Urban Neighborhood is applied to all other property within the small area plan’s influence. Built form recommendations from the small area plan are acknowledged, implemented, and expanded upon in a manner consistent with citywide conventions for Minneapolis 2040. Upton Avenue, France Avenue, Sheridan Avenue, and 44th Street all carry transit service which supports application of a mix of the ‘Corridor 4’, ‘Corridor 3’, and ‘Interior 2’ built form categories. These categories transition into the ‘Interior 1’ category typically within one half block of the corridors.

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