Logan Park Neighborhood Small Area Plan

Plan Background

In 2016 the Logan Park neighborhood completed a small area plan. The planning process for this neighborhood was initiated by the Logan Park Neighborhood Association in 2015, and the most recent draft of the plan was completed in May 2016. The plan was received and filed by the Zoning and Planning Committee of the City Council on February 16, 2017.

Logan Park Neighborhood Small Area Plan (2017)

Future Land Use and Built Form

Land use recommendations from the small area plan are reflected in Minneapolis 2040 primarily through the application of the ‘Production Mixed Use’, ‘Urban Neighborhood’, and several commercial mixed use future land use designations. Property adjacent to rail corridors largely falls under the ‘Production Mixed Use’ category which allows for a wide range of commercial, industrial, and residential uses. Commercial categories are concentrated along Broadway Street and Central Avenue, while remaining property in the neighborhood is almost all in the ‘Urban Neighborhood’ category.

The built form recommendations in Minneapolis 2040 generally follow the same pattern of application found in the small area plan. Intensity of built form does not match precisely however, as Central Avenue receives the ‘Corridor 6’ category, consistent with the way other high frequency transit corridors are treated throughout the city. Washington and Broadway Streets receive the ‘Corridor 4’, while the ‘Interior 2’ category is applied to most of the remaining property within the influence area of the plan.

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