Nicollet Island - East Bank Small Area Plan

Plan Background

The Nicollet Island-East Bank Small Area Plan’s objective is to define the community’s vision for future development in the Nicollet Island – East Bank area over a 20 year time horizon. This project was initiated in Spring 2013 by the Nicollet Island-East Bank Neighborhood Association Board of Directors with the support of the Northeast Business Association and in coordination with the Community Development and Economic Development Department of the City of Minneapolis. The plan was recommended for approval by the City Planning Commission at the September 15, 2014, meeting, and approved by the Minneapolis City Council at the regular meeting on October 17, 2014.

Nicollet Island - East Bank Small Area Plan (2014)

Future Land Use and Built Form

The small area plan’s recommendations for land use are reflected in the Minneapolis 2040 future land use map through application of the ‘Community Mixed Use’ category, which requires active ground floor uses in multi-story redevelopment. This category is applied throughout the small area plan’s study area. The small area plan does not have parcel specific built form recommendations, instead indicating a general indifference to building height outside of sculpting setbacks for upper floors on taller buildings. To this end, the ‘Transit 30’ category is applied to the study area north of University Avenue. Between University Avenue and Main Street, most properties fall in the ‘Transit 10’ category in acknowledgement of the built form guidance present in the St. Anthony Falls Historic District Guidelines.

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