Nokomis East Station Area Plan

Plan Background

The Nokomis East Station Area Plan is the City’s vision for the area served by two light rail transit stations: 50th Street/Minnehaha Park and the Veterans Administration Medical Center. It was adopted by the City Council on January 12, 2007. This small area plan serves as a guide for Planning Commission review, zoning changes, capital investment, and housing and commercial redevelopment activities in this part of the city. It is the culmination of extensive community involvement as well as staff and consultant work.

Nokomis East Station Area Plan (2007)

Future Land Use and Built Form

The station area plan has a combined built form and future land use map that guides uses and building intensity on the same map. The Minneapolis 2040 future land use map matches the extent of commercial future land use at 54th Street and Minnehaha Avenue, while expanding commercial opportunities at Hiawatha and Minnehaha Avenue, as well as at the 50th Street LRT station. Remaining properties in the study area are guided for the ‘Urban Neighborhood’ future land use category. The Minneapolis 2040 future built form map attempt to follow the recommendations from the station area plan by fitting the ranges of development intensity found in the plan into the new categories created for Minneapolis 2040. This means an increase in allowable development intensity in some locations. The use of ‘Corridor 6’ along Minnehaha Avenue south of Hiawatha Avenue is an example. Additional properties near the 50th Street station are guided for the ‘Corridor 4’ and ‘Interior 3’ categories, better taking advantage of the access afforded to land in this location.

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