Phillips West Master Land Use Plan

Plan Background

The purpose of the Phillips West Master Land Use Plan is to serve as a guide for investment and future land use changes within the boundaries of the Phillips West neighborhood. This work was initiated by the Phillips West Neighborhood Organization, which contracted with Hay Dobbs to conduct the planning process and produce the plan document. The Minneapolis City Council adopted the plan as city policy on July 17, 2009.

Phillips West Master Land Use Plan (2009)

Future Land Use and Built Form

Future land use recommendations from the Phillips West Master Land Use Plan are largely consistent with the future land use map in Minneapolis 2040. Properties guided for ‘Public, Office, and Institutional’ uses in Minneapolis 2040 attempt to match what is in the master plan, with some minor changes where existing residential uses are not expected to accommodate future mixed use development. Commercial uses continue to front Lake Street. Most of the remaining properties in the study area are guided for ‘Urban Neighborhood’.

Built form recommendations from the master plan are not parcel specific, or lack specificity in the way Minneapolis 2040 is attempting to achieve. The Midtown Minneapolis and Midtown Greenway plans were heavily relied upon to guide built form in the southern end of the study area, where a combination of ‘Corridor 6’, ‘Corridor 4’, and ‘Transit 10’ is applied. Elsewhere in the neighborhood, application of ‘Interior 3’ is the standard, due to the area’s close proximity to downtown.

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