Seward Longfellow Greenway Area Plan

Plan Background

The purpose of the Seward and Longfellow Greenway Area Land Use and Pre-Development Study is to suggest policy direction for land use and development along Phase 3 of the Midtown Greenway. The study evaluates the long-term viability and appropriateness of existing land uses along the corridor, includes a land use plan for future uses, and explores particular development concepts for selected opportunity sites. This plan was approved by the City Council on February 9, 2007.

Seward Longfellow Greenway Area Plan (2007)

Future Land Use and Built Form

While much of the guidance is consistent, there are a handful of changes to the Seward Longfellow area made in the Minneapolis 2040 future land use map. Areas previously guided for General Industrial, are placed in the ‘Production and Processing’ category. Several parcels to the east of the existing employment district are added to this designation, moving them out of the former Transitional Industrial category. Other industrially used properties are placed in the ‘Production Mixed Use’ category, including some formerly guided for residential that continue to be utilized as industrial land. Transition away from industrial use will still be possible in this district. Properties closer to the Lake Street LRT station remain guided for commercial mixed use categories. The majority of the rest of the property in the neighborhood is guided for ‘Urban Neighborhood’.

Built form recommendations from the plan are reflected in Minneapolis 2040 through the use of three categories. ‘Transit 20’ is employed nearest the LRT station, with ‘Corridor 6’ and ‘Interior 3’ employed along the Midtown Greenway in a manner that is consistent with the Seward Longfellow Greenway Area Plan.

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