St. Anthony East Neighborhood Small Area Plan

Plan Background

The St. Anthony East Neighborhood Association (SAENA) has recently completed a planning process to provide guidance for the future of the neighborhood. The planning process was initiated in mid-2013 and was completed in early 2014. The plan was recommended for approval by the City Planning Commission at the September 15, 2014, meeting, and approved by the Minneapolis City Council at the regular meeting on October 17, 2014.

St. Anthony East Neighborhood Small Area Plan (2016)

Future Land Use and Built Form

The future land use map in Minneapolis 2040 largely reflects the future land use recommendations from the small area plan. Commercial mixed use categories are concentrated on Broadway Street, with smaller concentrations on Spring Street at Monroe Street and at Central Avenue. Most of the remaining property in the area is guided for ‘Urban Neighborhood’. The small area plan does not include a parcel specific built form map, rather calling out key sites for medium or high density residential. The Minneapolis 2040 future built form map introduces the ‘Corridor 6’ category to properties nearest Central Avenue and ‘Corridor 4’ is applied nearest Broadway Street, with ‘Interior 3’ and ‘Interior 2’ applied on properties adjacent to those corridors.

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