The Como Blueprint: A Small Area Plan for the Como Neighborhood of Minneapolis

Plan Background

The Southeast Como Improvement Association (SECIA) spent many months planning for and drafting a small area plan for the Southeast Como neighborhood. The plan creates a vision for the future of their neighborhood, to be incorporated into the City of Minneapolis’ Comprehensive Plan, and to guide future decisions for SECIA. The plan is now complete. The plan was recommended for approval by the City Planning Commission at the May 23, 2016, meeting, and approved by the Minneapolis City Council at the regular meeting on July 1, 2016.

The Como Blueprint: A Small Area Plan for the Como Neighborhood of Minneapolis (2016)

Future Land Use and Built Form

The future land use map in Minneapolis 2040 largely reflects the future land use recommendations from the station area plan. The ‘Goods and Service Corridor’ designation is applied to Como and Hennepin Avenues, encouraging the development of mixed use commercial activity. Most other properties in the neighborhood are placed in the ‘Production and Processing’ and ‘Urban Neighborhood’ categories. The small area plan does not include a parcel specific built form map, rather calling out key sites for medium or high density residential. Hennepin and Como Avenues receive the ‘Corridor 4’ and ‘Interior 2’ categories, consistent with how other similar transit corridors are treated throughout the city. Most properties off of those corridors are then guided for ‘Interior 2’. Properties within the ‘Production and Processing’ future land use category are largely guided for the ‘Production’ built form district.

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