Uptown Small Area Plan

Plan Background

The purpose of the Uptown Small Area Plan is to outline a vision for the future of the Uptown area and provide land use policy guidance. This plan was approved by the City Council on February 1, 2008 after a community planning process that spanned almost two years.

Uptown Small Area Plan (2008)

Uptown Small Area Plan Appendices

Future Land Use and Built Form

The Minneapolis 2040 future land use map is largely consistent with the recommendations from the Uptown Small Area Plan. Commercial uses are encouraged along the corridors, with a concentration of activity near the Hennepin Avenue, Lake Street, and Lagoon Avenue intersections. One key distinction is the addition of the ‘Destination Mixed Use’ category to the core of the Uptown area, requiring commercial retail frontage in mixed use buildings. Language from the Uptown Small Area Plan about the flexible use of residential structures south of 31st Street for commercial uses is reflected in the Minneapolis 2040 map with the application of the ‘Neighborhood Mixed Use’ category.

The Minneapolis 2040 built form map includes further intensification throughout the Uptown Small Area Plan study area. Consistent with the way high frequency transit corridors are treated throughout the city, ‘Corridor 6’ is applied on the Hennepin, Lake, and Lagoon frontages with the ‘Interior 3’ category applied on properties not fronting on corridors. South of 31st Street the Hennepin Avenue corridor transitions away from ‘Corridor 6’ to the ‘Corridor 4’ category. The ‘Transit 10’ category is applied in the core of the commercial area of Uptown and on the north side of the Midtown Greenway. A minimum building height of 2 stories is required in the ‘Corridor 6’ and ‘Transit 10’ categories. Additional height throughout the study area will be considered through the conditional use permit process.

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