6. High-quality physical environment: In 2040, Minneapolis will enjoy a high-quality and distinctive physical environment in all parts of the city.

Photo: Photo by Metro Transit (via flickr.com)

A well-designed physical environment in Minneapolis can facilitate positive human interactions and promote commerce, pedestrian activity, safety, and health. The city achieves this through urban design, which is the process of shaping and locating buildings, parks and open spaces, landscapes, streets and public art to make up the physical form, function, and feel of a city. The urban design of Minneapolis influences the city’s quality of life and environment. A well-integrated private and public realm can encourage street-level activity that supports public safety, facilitates foot traffic to support local retail businesses, and forms comfortable and appealing places that naturally become destinations for both Minneapolis residents and visitors from the region and beyond.

To achieve the goal of a high-quality physical environment, the City of Minneapolis will promote design for the built environment that is dynamic and durable, reflects the diversity of Minneapolis residents, and contributes to a sense of place and community identity. The City will also proactively improve the public realm, including streets, sidewalks, parks and open spaces between buildings, to ensure that public spaces and private development are thoughtfully connected.


25 Policies relate to this goal. Click on a policy below to learn more about it.

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