How to Navigate

The Comprehensive Plan is comprised of policies, action steps, goals, topics, and maps. 

Policies are high-level statements intended to guide City decision-making in a manner that achieves the Comprehensive Plan Goals. The Comprehensive Plan includes 100 policies, each of which supports one or more of the goals. The policies are displayed under each applicable goal, and are also sorted by 15 topics. Because many policies apply to multiple goals and topics, policies are intentionally repeated in several places on this website.

Under each policy is a list of Action Steps, a to-do list intended to convey what needs to happen in order to make the policy come to fruition. Some action steps represent activities that the City already undertakes and should continue. Others propose new actions that represent new approaches to addressing issues facing the city. In most cases, action steps do not reference specific City ordinances, programs or funding sources. Rather, they provide direction for future decisions on adding and modifying the tools that the City uses to achieve its goals.

Goals are statements of desired outcomes by 2040. They are intended to state the plan's intent as clearly as possible, so that we as a city know what we are working to accomplish. The City Council adopted these goals to provide direction to staff in the development of the Comprehensive Plan. Learn more about the Minneapolis 2040 Goals.

Topics are the policies sorted by eleven subject areas, with background information about the importance of each topic to the future of the city. You can access the entire plan through the Topics page.

Read the policies sorted by GOAL.
Read the policies sorted by TOPIC.
See a list of all policies.

Accessed from the Land Use and Built form Topic page, the Land Use and Built Form Maps are the primary tools for implementing the Land Use and Built Form policies of the Comprehensive Plan. They also embody and implement policies found throughout this plan, as well as the fourteen Comprehensive Plan Goals. The Future Land Use Map guides land use for every parcel in the city. Any changes to the use of land must be consistent with the guidance of the Future Land Use Map. The Built Form Map guides the scale of development for every parcel in the city through Built Form Districts. The built form of all new and remodeled buildings must be consistent with the guidance of the Built Form Map. Following adoption of Minneapolis 2040, the City of Minneapolis will update its Zoning Code and Zoning map to reflect the guidance of the Future Land Use and Built Form Maps. Review the Land Use and Built Form maps.

In addition to this interactive website, the plan is available for download as a PDF document.

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