Access to Health, Social and Emergency Service: Expand equitable access to health, social, emergency preparedness, and emergency response services.

The competent and efficient delivery of health, social and emergency services is paramount to ensuring that residents have access to the care and services they need on a daily basis, including in an emergency. This includes ensuring that the availability and delivery of services is equitable and that care workers represent the diverse population of Minneapolis.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to expand equitable access to health, social, emergency preparedness, and emergency response services.

  1. Encourage the recruitment and retention of a diverse health care workforce and work to reduce implicit bias among health care providers.
  2. Maintain investment in a range of care delivery models, including school-based clinics, community health centers and home visits by community health workers.
  3. Establish integrated delivery of social services across disciplines such as housing, disability, physical health, mental health, child welfare, senior services, and workforce services, so residents can more easily access the services they need.
  4. Expand efficient and effective city responses to adverse public health and public safety incidents.
  5. Ensure that public health and emergency preparedness promotes and develops material, physical, social and psychological resources for the community that function as buffers to adverse incidents and help protect people’s health.
  6. Expand the use of trauma-informed approaches to community building to support and strengthen traumatized residents and address the effects of unresolved trauma resulting from violence, homelessness, poverty, social isolation or racism.
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