Aging: Expand resources and opportunities for meaningful engagement and independent living, assisted living, and long-term care housing for older Minneapolis residents so they can be a vital part of the fabric of our community.

The population of Minneapolis, the surrounding region, and the entire nation is becoming older. As of 2013 (the last available reporting data) 25% of the City's population is 50 years or older.The City has a responsibility to create and expand opportunities for engagement, living, and mobility for aging residents to ensure they remain a part of the community.

Accessible and affordable housing options, including those with health and social support services, that allow older Minneapolitans to age in their communities or their homes are integral to retaining and supporting the city’s aging population. Currently, a significant number of Minneapolis neighborhoods have few housing options other than single family homes, reducing opportunity for many residents to age in their community.

The city’s aging residents also need walkable neighborhoods and multimodal transportation options that meet their needs.  It'snot enough to simply provide options; these modes of transportation must also be accessible, maintained and free of snow and ice in the winter. Providing safe and accessible active transportation options have been shown to increase overall health and wellness outcomes for aging populations and will help older Minneapolitans age in their communities as automobile ownership becomes more difficult for some.

The growing aging population is also experiencing a new phenomenon in history – fewer and more geographically dispersed family members to aid in care and social connectedness. This puts more responsibility on both programming and the design of physical spaces to support wellness , safety, and active social and civic engagement.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to expand resources and opportunities for meaningful engagement and independent living, assisted living, and long-term care housing for older Minneapolis residents so they can be a vital part of the fabric of our community.

  1. Ensure access to safe, affordable and accessible housing options for Minneapolis residents as they age.
  2. Strengthen and promote multimodal and tailored transportation options, with a focus on pedestrian safety, that meet the needs of aging Minneapolitans.
  3. Provide opportunities for older residents to leverage their experience and contribute to their communities though volunteering, working, intergenerational engagement and lifelong learning.
  4. Expand and promote mental and physical health and wellness initiatives, activities and services for older Minneapolis residents.
  5. Use a data-driven approach to inform policies, decisions, and investments that impact seniors.
  6. Continue to collaborate with government agencies, non-profits, and service providers to administer senior health care, create housing stability, and provide social support services aiding seniors' ability to age in the community.
  7. Support employment opportunities for seniors.
  8. Ensure seniors are reflected in community engagement strategies.
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