Cultural Heritage and Preservation Recognition: Explore new methods and techniques to acknowledge tangible and intangible cultural heritage and expand recognition programs related to heritage preservation activities.

It’s important to raise awareness not only of the historic resources themselves, but also of the current property owners, developers, craftspeople, and organizations that make heritage preservation projects happen. This kind of recognition and appreciation will help promote the retention and rehabilitation of properties significant to the city’s heritage.

The cultural heritage of a city doesn't end at its buildings or archaeological sites. A city's cultural heritage can also encompass more intangible traditions and expressions of culture such as oral traditions, performance art, social observations, rituals, festivals, practices related to the environment, or the production of traditional crafts. While sometimes difficult to define, celebrating and safeguarding intangible cultural heritage can maintain cultural diversity and encourage a shared respect within a city.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to explore new methods and techniques to acknowledge tangible and intangible cultural heritage and expand recognition programs related to heritage preservation activities.

  1. Continue to recognize outstanding projects, programs, individuals and organizations that have significantly contributed to the heritage of Minneapolis, broadened the appreciation of its history for all, and enhanced the urban environment.
  2. Design and install appropriate interpretive signs and historical markers for designated historic districts and landmarks.
  3. Acknowledge preservation and cultural placekeeping efforts, keeping the cultural memories associated with a place alive, while supporting the ability of local residents to maintain their way of life as they choose.
  4. Explore safeguarding and celebrating intangible cultural heritage and other cultural expressions, particularly focusing on cultural communities, communities of color, indigenous communities, and other communities that have traditionally not been recognized.
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