Downtown: Strengthen Downtown’s position as a regional commercial, cultural and entertainment center that serves residents, employees, and visitors.

Downtown Minneapolis continues to attract and retain companies, employees, residents, commercial options and regional destinations. This growth can be attributed to a variety of investments, but ultimately Downtown offers an experience and a bundle of goods and services that give it a competitive advantage over other areas in the region. This doesn’t mean the City can be complacent with Downtown’s current successes and not continue to make improvements. The City needs to help strengthen Downtown’s competitive advantage and provide additional attention and support to areas where it’s challenged.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to strengthen Downtown’s position as a regional commercial, cultural and entertainment center that serves residents, employees, and visitors.

  1. Promote the growth and retention of businesses and office space Downtown.
  2. Encourage the recruitment and retention of retailers in Downtown that help office workers and residents fulfill daily needs.
  3. Continue to support a growing residential population Downtown.
  4. Encourage and pursue opportunities to expand publicly accessible green space Downtown.
  5. Continue to support a variety of institutional uses Downtown that serve students, visitors, employees and residents.
  6. Promote public safety strategies for Downtown.
  7. Support Downtown as a unique regional destination for tourism with activities during the day, evening and weekends.
  8. Connect Downtown tourism assets with physical pathways and markers, including appropriately scaled markers for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users.
  9. Continue to support organizations in their promotion of Downtown and the entire city.
  10. Increase and improve multi-modal transportation within, to, from, and around Downtown, with a focus on pedestrian safety.
  11. Increase trees, landscaping, and green space in the downtown public realm. 
  12. Increase public amenities, spaces, and free activities.
  13. Create an inviting and safe space 24/7.
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