Homelessness: Eliminate homelessness through safe, stable, and affordable housing opportunities and strategies for homeless youth, singles, and families.

Homelessness affects the lives of many people who do not have a stable and permanent housing situation. This diverse population includes families with children, unaccompanied youth & young adults, LGBTQ+, those chronically ill, single adults, fixed-income seniors, non-traditional families, victims of human trafficking, veterans, individuals released from prison, and those displaced due to domestic violence; each requiring different kinds of resources and care. People experiencing homelessness may continue in that state without help from a regional support network and housing assistance.

As a city we are experiencing a shortage of housing for households at or below 30 percent of area median income. The matter intensifies for those who may face a lack of employment, chronic physical and mental health conditions, violence, trauma and/or the lack of transportation to access a job, appointments, or support services such as child care and counseling. This results in higher rates of homelessness, dislocation, and crowded and unsafe living conditions for thousands of residents annually – and it disproportionately impacts communities of color and indigenous people.


Access to stable and safe housing that people can afford and essential support services are at the core of city efforts to prevent and eliminate homelessness. Minneapolis will strengthen coordination with local and regional partners within the seven county Metropolitan Council to develop unified goals, strategies, and programs to prevent homelessness and to help those experiencing homelessness, acknowledging that this issue is not confined by municipal boundaries. Important strategies include efforts to prevent tenant evictions, provide timely response to emergency rental assistance and other housing crisis, while providing community and home-based supports. 


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to eliminate homelessness through safe, stable, and affordable housing opportunities and strategies for homeless youth, singles, and families.

  1. Strengthen the City’s coordination with local and regional partners and local service providers to have a strong regional network, aligned with state goals, to financially support and develop strategies to address and prevent homelessness.
  2. Ensure that City housing programs are aligned with county and state goals to end homelessness.
  3. Prioritize the enhancement of local shelter safety methods and systems.
  4. Strengthen City efforts to engage directly with people experiencing homelessness to understand their stories and situations and focus on improving their health and safety by supporting the Minneapolis Police Department homeless and vulnerable population initiative, street outreach services, and other engagement efforts.
  5. Support and expand low barrier housing opportunities to better serve households with criminal and credit reports through rental housing that serves tenants with the greatest barriers to securing housing, such as having no or very low income, poor rental history and past evictions, or criminal histories.
  6. Collaborate with local and regional partners to expand housing programs beyond those that serve families to address other populations such as transitional supportive services for young adults aging out of the foster care system.
  7. Create a regulatory framework to allow new rooming houses, single room occupancy units, and other forms of transitional housing.
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