Park Design and Programming: Improve the design and programming of parks to better serve a changing population.

Ongoing changes in the city’s population include broader racial and ethnic diversity, a higher percentage of individuals living alone, an aging population, and fewer households with children. This changes the nature of the demand for parks and recreation facilities. New populations have recreation needs and preferences that may not be adequately accommodated in existing park designs and programming.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to improve the design and programming of parks to better serve a changing population.

  1. Collaborate with the Park Board to prioritize park facility and programming improvements that will have the most positive impact on equity outcomes.
  2. Remove barriers to engagement that limit resident participation in the design and planning processes of parks and open spaces programming through active recruitment of people of color, indigenous people, and immigrant residents.
  3. Collaborate with the Park Board to ensure that park design processes engage the community in a manner that reflects the community being served.
  4. Identify an ongoing process to measure cultural responsiveness for parks and open spaces to ensure that opportunities, activities and practices are meeting the community's needs.
  5. Evaluate universal accessibility of all parks and open spaces, making improvements to ensure they are all accessible, enjoyable, and welcoming to all people regardless of age, ability, geography, or cultural background.
  6. Ensure equitable financial access to park and open space amenities, particularly in low-income communities through strategies such as low- and no-cost options, sliding scale fees, tiered pricing, scholarships, and subsidized rentals.
  7. Collaborate with the Park Board to ensure a variety of park experiences across the system.
  8. Reduce barriers and encourage community-driven programming.
  9. Improve communication about park programming opportunities.
  10. Utilize parks and open spaces as places for engaging the community about the place-specific impacts of climate change.
  11. Engage researchers, educators, and arts and cultural leaders in the development and implementation of educational tools and programs in parks related to ecology and climate change.
  12. Encourage excellence in design of park buildings and landscapes.
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