People with Disabilities: Ensure people with disabilities and their families are visible, active, and valued members of the community.

For all Minneapolitans to participate and benefit in growth, the City of Minneapolis must ensure that people with disabilities and their families have choices; access and opportunity for  employment, mobility, civic engagement, and appropriate housing.

People with disabilities are a diverse community whose members contribute to the success and vitality of the city. Just like any community member they live, work, play, and are socially engaged in city life.

However, people with disabilities face barriers in finding housing and transportation options when much of the physical environment has been designed without accessibility in mind. This makes the ability to physically access basic needs on a day-to-day basis difficult or impossible. Accessible, reliable, and safe transportation is critical to provide the community the opportunity to be able to commute and access goods and services.

People with disabilities want and need to participate civically and engage with their community in order to develop and maintain their support networks. The City must be able to create accessible methods for all community members to participate in civic life and promote spaces that are accessible to all users.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to ensure people with disabilities and their families are visible, active, and valued members of the community.

  1. Promote employee and workforce opportunities for people with disabilities by increasing outreach, education and interactions with community.
  2. Prioritize and support independent living services, including respite care, nursing and personal care, food access and delivery, and transport services, that enable people with disabilities to live independently in the community.
  3. Ensure an equitable path and process to affordable, appropriate, and inclusive housing options in all parts of the city for people with disabilities, their families, and support networks with opportunities for visit-ability.
  4. Adhere to City and State policies, and Federal laws to produce accessible information, services, documents, presentations, and media.
  5. Ensure and implement practices that will exceed minimum ADA compliance in City services and policies, and access to resources, and information.
  6. Collaborate with local, County, and State agencies to develop policies and programming for people with disabilities.
  7. Encourage the expansion of adaptive athletic, arts, and community and civic engagement programs.
  8. Increase accessibility of public infrastructure and public amenities.
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