46th and Hiawatha Station Area Master Plan

Plan Background

The 46th and Hiawatha Station Area Master Plan is a land use plan for transit-oriented development (TOD) near the 46th Street Hiawatha LRT station. The area of study includes Longfellow, Standish-Ericsson, and Nokomis East. It focuses on land uses, urban design, public infrastructure, and amenities located within one-half mile of the station. The plan was developed with public participation and guidance from both community and technical advisory committees. The plan informs City policy, guiding changes to the City's Comprehensive plan, zoning regulations, redevelopment activity, and capital improvement plans.

46th and Hiawatha Station Area Master Plan

Future Land Use and Built Form

Future commercial land use in the Minneapolis 2040 map is largely consistent with the station area plan, with expansion shown on the edges south of 46th Street on the east side of Hiawatha and west along 46th Street from the LRT station. Production mixed use and urban neighborhood categories are utilized elsewhere in a manner consistent with the station area plan.

The built form recommendations in the station area plan are identified with a number indicating appropriate building height on some of the properties – the maximum building height identified in these documents is 4 stories. The Minneapolis 2040 built form map increases many of the bulk allowances identified in the station area plan. Particularly properties nearest the LRT station and property between Hiawatha and Snelling Avenues are guided for the greatest intensity – at times ranging between the ‘Corridor 6’ and ‘Transit 10’ categories. The 34th Avenue and Minnehaha Avenue corridors are labeled with the 'Corridor 3' and ‘Corridor 4’ categories immediately fronting on the streets, which are not directly addressed by the station area plan, while transitioning to the ‘Interior 2’ category for properties just off of the corridors. West of Hiawatha the ‘Corridor 4’ category is expanded farther off of the corridors to allow for additional transit and commercial supportive redevelopment.

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