Public Services and Facilities

When the City develops policies, enacts ordinances, creates programs or deploys resources, its activities have a direct effect on residents, businesses and visitors. To be effective, the City needs to continually explore refinements and new tools to ensure it provides services in a streamlined, accessible, and equitable manner.
As the City's population and employment increase, the needs for public services and buildings will evolve. Some agencies and departments will expand services, while others will be looking for new ways of using facilities that are no longer needed for their original purpose. The City of Minneapolis will plan carefully for its own facilities needs, and will play a role in encouraging public agencies to explore opportunities for sharing facilities where the community and financial benefits are apparent. In the case that a public building closes altogether or a new facility is built, the City will ensure that the re-use or establishment of that building is consistent with the land use policies of this plan and is informed by public input. The City will also use its own properties as a model for private development, demonstrating the value of environmental sustainability, historic preservation, an engaging public realm, and the use of high quality materials.
4 Policies relate to this topic. Click on a policy below to learn more about it.
Public Services Policy
Technology in the City Enterprise
Production and Processing
Public Safety