Coordinated Development Strategy: Coordinate the development of housing, businesses, and infrastructure in geographic areas where a district-wide approach has the greatest opportunity for achieving Minneapolis 2040 goals.

By several measures, Minneapolis is experiencing resurgence. The city’s number of residents and jobs is increasing, new businesses are opening, and over $1 billion each year is invested in new buildings and remodeling. Despite this overall success, some areas of the city are not sharing in the positive effects of reinvestment, perpetuating institutional racism in housing and the economy. In addition, some areas of the city may grow dramatically and may not experience commensurate infrastructure or service investments. Overcoming those disparities requires community centered, long-term, sustained, and coordinated investments in public and private land development, development-related public infrastructure, and transportation systems.

In some areas of the city strategic investments by the public sector can spur the private market to deliver new development  that provides housing, jobs, and retail goods and services while increasing the tax base. In these cases, the City recognizes that redevelopment areas can benefit from a system-wide district approach through coordinated infrastructure improvements, building on proximity to critical resources, and implementing synergistic land use and transportation strategies. This approach can also be utilized when planning for stormwater management, energy, parking, place making, green space, and marketing as opportunities for achieving the goals of this plan. This district-wide approach to coordinated development can be, but is not limited to, referred to as an Innovation District or a Cultural District.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to coordinate the development of housing, businesses, and infrastructure in geographic areas where a district-wide approach has the greatest opportunity for achieving Minneapolis 2040 goals.

  1. Use data on racial disparities and community asset mapping criteria to identify geographic areas most in need of reinvestment and where a coordinated approach would result in achieving Minneapolis 2040 goals, including but not limited to areas that have historically experienced disinvestment.
  2. In geographic areas most in need of reinvestment, conduct community centered planning processes that clearly articulate a coordinated district-wide development plan including the location, phasing, and conceptual design of buildings and infrastructure as well as strategies to minimize the displacement of nearby residents and businesses.
  3. Devote City staff time to interdepartmental and interagency coordination teams tasked with implementing coordinated district-wide development plans in these areas.
  4. Prioritize use of City dollars, as well as resources from other jurisdictions, on implementing coordinated district-wide development plans in these areas.
  5. Use and leverage City funds, including the City’s Development Infrastructure Fund, to make strategic infrastructure investments that implement coordinated district-wide development plans in these areas.
  6. Prioritize acquiring and disposing of property in order to implement coordinated district-wide development in areas where the positive benefits of reinvestment can have the greatest gain by and most immediate impact for people of color, indigenous people, immigrants, and low-income residents.
  7. Ensure a participatory decision-making process with a focus on the equitable engagement of historically underrepresented populations throughout City-coordinated and funded projects.
  8. Invest in transportation infrastructure in locations experiencing growth, particularly in locations that have existing transportation infrastructure that needs to adapt to the demands and opportunities brought by growth.
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