Downtown Transportation: Ensure travel to and throughout Downtown is efficient, understandable, reliable, and safe.

Downtown Minneapolis serves as the economic, cultural, and transportation hub of the region and requires ongoing coordinated improvements to its streets, sidewalks, transit facilities, and bikeways. As the city grows, thoughtful multimodal transportation planning will support the continued success of Downtown in meeting these needs of the city and region.
The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to ensure travel to and throughout Downtown is efficient, understandable, reliable, and safe.
- Encourage pedestrian activity, bicycling, and transit use Downtown, including promoting incentives to make transit more convenient for users traveling to, through and within Downtown, as well as improved pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and amenities.
- Manage the supply and design of parking downtown in a manner consistent with objectives for climate protection, pedestrian activity, bicycling, and transit users.
- Improve the pedestrian environment Downtown by investing in the public realm and designing buildings to create a pedestrian friendly environment.
- Partner with property owners to seek out and seize opportunities to connect vertically into and out of the skyway system from and to the public realm through wayfinding and vertical circulation.
- Ensure that streets serving freeway connections reflect the complete streets policy.
- Support the education and implementation activities of the Downtown Transportation Management Organization (TMO).
- Develop strong curbside management policies to take full advantage of the dynamic Downtown urban environment, by supporting street level retail business and addressing the unique freight and delivery needs of the area downtown.