Leverage Housing Programs to Benefit Community: Design housing programs in a manner that also benefits the larger community.

In 2017 Minneapolis’ housing investments helped leverage nearly $50 million of development in Minneapolis. These investments helped create and retain affordable housing for Minneapolis residents, but they can do more for Minneapolis communities: The investments in housing can help leverage community wealth building, improve access to employment and skills development, and grow entrepreneurship.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to design housing programs in a manner that also benefits the larger community.

  1. Prioritize local hiring, contracting, and development in housing.
  2. Prioritize participation by local businesses owned by people of color, indigenous people, and women, as well as community-based businesses and institutions, in the administration and development of City-funded housing programs and projects.
  3. Encourage residents, especially people of color, indigenous people, and women, to participate in real estate development through the city’s Small Developers Technical Assistance Program (D-TAP).
  4. Explore and implement options for amplifying community voices in housing policy and program development, including those of non-English speakers and those from communities with strong oral traditions.
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