Sustainable Water System Management: Manage the city’s surface waters, groundwater, stormwater, wastewater and drinking water equitably and sustainably, while minimizing the adverse impacts of climate change.

Minneapolis has flourished because of its natural water systems. The city benefits from the power of the Mississippi River, the beauty of the lakes and the efficiency of its stormwater ponds, wetlands, and riparian areas. As the city grows, it is critical to continue to sustainably protect and manage water resources.


The City will seek to accomplish the following action steps to manage the city’s surface waters, groundwater, stormwater, wastewater and drinking water equitably and sustainably, while minimizing the adverse impacts of climate change.

  1. Improve and implement the City’s Local Surface Water Management Plan and continue to implement the City’s Water System Master Plan.
  2. Carry out steps toward meeting the MPCA’s “Swimmable, fishable, fixable?” water quality standards and explore additional comprehensive storm water management and water quality improvement strategies.
  3. Work collaboratively between City departments to ensure utility budgets are adequately funded to maintain aging infrastructure systems.
  4. Consider climate forecasts to ensure that infrastructure and water quality investments are informed by climate projections.
  5. Analyze possible climate change implications for water resources and infrastructure.
  6. Revise site plan review standards to require soil amendments for all disturbed areas that will be vegetated post-construction.
  7. Continue water monitoring activities with watershed management organizations and other agencies and pursue coordinated mitigation strategies where appropriate.
  8. Continue providing safe high-quality drinking water while being a steward of public resources and infrastructure.
  9. Minimize drinking water waste through infrastructure improvements.
  10. Educate and motivate individuals and business owners to reduce negative impacts of road salt on water resources, soil, and drinking water.
  11. Encourage district stormwater management systems and coordination with watershed management organizations.
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