Project Archive

The following is an archive of documents, photos, and videos produced and collected throughout the Minneapolis 2040 planning process.


The Minneapolis Plan for Sustainable Growth, adopted by the City Council and Metropolitan Council in 2009, is the City's current comprehensive plan. It is a guide for the future development and redevelopment of the City of Minneapolis. This Plan, which addresses economic and development changes within the City, serves as a reference document to which regional, state, county, and other public or private agencies can relate their respective planning and development discussions. It relates to the development and interrelationship of land uses, transportation, housing, economic development, public services and facilities, environment, parks and open spaces, heritage preservation, arts and culture and urban design.  It consists of a narrative document and a series of illustrations, photographs, tables, and maps.

The Minneapolis Plan for Sustainable Growth (2009)

The Minneapolis Plan was adopted by the City Council in 2000. Minneapolis Plan included the following themes:

  • Growth and Density
  • Public safety
  • Transit first priority
  • Mixed use districts
  • Public participation

The Minneapolis Plan (2000)

The Minneapolis Plan for the 1980s was adopted by the City Council in 1982. The Plan included the following themes: 

  • Recovery from decline/blight
  • Downtown revitalization
  • Protecting the environment
  • Affordable housing
  • Parking management

Minneapolis Plan for the 1980s (1982)

The Official Plan of 1962 was adopted by the City Council in 1962. The Plan included the following themes: 

  • Expressway construction
  • Urban renewal
  • Job creation
  • Neighborhoods and schools
  • Human services, health care

The Official Plan of 1962 (1962)

The Official City Plan of 1953 was adopted by the City Council in 1953. The Plan included the following themes: 

  • Highway plans
  • Industrial growth
  • Modern sewer and water
  • City expansion
  • Heliports

Official City Plan (1953)

Minneapolis 2040 Civic Engagement Plan

The Civic Engagement Plan was created to recognize the complexity of engaging the Minneapolis community in a transparent and effective way to develop Minneapolis 2040. It contains goals that guided engagement, identified creative methods for engaging key audiences, established a timeline and phases for activation, and presented an outline of how the City has incorporated feedback from the public and key audiences into the City’s formal decision-making structure for when the Mayor and City Council are asked to approve the plan.

Minneapolis 2040 Civic Engagement Plan


Meeting-in-a-Box is a civic engagement method designed for use by community groups, neighborhood associations, or friends to gather at a convenient time and location to share their ideas and proposals for the future of the city.

Phase 1 - Presentation

Phase 1 - Host Packet

Phase 1 - Meeting materials and worksheet

Phase 2 - Packet

Phase 3 - Host packet

Phase 3 - Participant Packet

Phase 3B - Host

Phase 3B - Participant packet

Artist-designed engagement

A collection of artist-designed engagement materials and activities. Artists that have contributed to the process include Monica Sheets, Mike Hoyt, Molly Van Avery, Eric F. Avery, and Arlene Birt.

Minneapolis 2040 Parallax

Envisioning Housing for all

Planning for Equity

Create You Own Crankies sheet

Minneapolis 2040 Values Graphic

Civic Engagement Phase Summaries

A overview report summarizing activities during each phase of public engagement.

Phase 1 Phase Summary

Phase 2 Phase Summary

Phase 3A Phase Summary


Materials produced and distributed at open house events.

Distribution of Existing Housing

Shrinking City

Restrictive Housing Policies

2015 Green House Gas Emissions Reduction Goals


Slides from public presentations for Minneapolis 2040.

Affordability, Design, and Preservation: The City's Role in Enhancing Livability - Presentation at the April 2, 2016 Community Connections Conference.

Big Ideas in Economic Competitiveness - Presentation at the April 2, 2016 Community Connections Conference.

Big Ideas in Growth - Presentation at the April 2, 2016 Community Connections Conference.

Big Ideas in Resiliency and Sustainability - Presentation at the April 2, 2016 Community Connections Conference.

Equity, Health, and Community Conditions - Presentation at the April 2, 2016 Community Connections Conference.

What's Coming: Civic Technology and Public Services - Presentation at the April 2, 2016 Community Connections Conference.

Videos and Photos

Imagining Equity (Crankies)

Imagining Equity is a mobile engagement tool is a highly portable and durable tool that was commissioned for Minneapolis 2040 for engagement activities at street and cultural festivals.  Local artists, Molly Van Avery and Mike Hoyt collaborated with staff to design a tool to tell the story about the historic context of inequities through the use of scrolls depicting the history and present day conditions called crankies. Participants interacted with the tool, and created their own crankies to share their vision for addressing racial disparities.

Imagining Equity: Minneapolis 2040 Mobile Engagement Tool (Videographer: Xiaolu Wang)

Imagining Equity: Minneapolis 2040: Imagining Equity - Our Past

Imagining Equity: Minneapolis 2040: Imagining Equity - Our Present

Events and Workshops

Videos were taken at various public meetings and workshops throughout the planning process. Below are a collection of videos which include workshops at the Community Connections Conference and community events. 

Mapping Prejudice: Racial Covenants and Housing Segregation in 20th Century Minneapolis - 2017 Community Connections Conference

CURA Gentrification Project - 2017 Community Connections Conference

Minneapolis 2040 Big Questions Open Houses - Fall 2016


05.31.18 Powderhorn Park - Minneapolis 2040 Open House

05.17.18 YMCA - Minneapolis 2040 Open House 

05.16.18 North Commons - Minneapolis 2040 Open House 

05.14.18 MLK Park - Minneapolis 2040 Open House 

05.12.18 NE Rec Center - Minneapolis 2040 Open House 

12.11.17 MLK Park - Minneapolis 2040 Open House

12.05.17 Farview Park - Minneapolis 2040 Open House 

04.02.17 Community Connections Conference - Minneapolis 2040 

10.27.16 North Commons - Minneapolis 2040 Open House 

10.25.16 Midtown Global Market - Minneapolis 2040 Open House 

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