Explore how the Minneapolis 2040 and Small Area Plans Interact

Click on the links to the right to learn how each small area plan is incorporated into Minneapolis 2040.

How Minneapolis 2040 updates Small Area Plans in general:

  • Future land use and built form guidance: Minneapolis 2040 updates this guidance for the entire city in service to the Minneapolis 2040 goals. This new guidance is informed by the guidance of the small area plans, and updated where necessary to be consistent with the application of Minneapolis 2040 goals and policies citywide. Minneapolis 2040 will be used to guide future land use and built form guidance in areas covered by past small area plans.

  • Urban design policies: Minneapolis 2040 includes urban design policies intended to shape the design of new buildings. This guidance is informed by the design guidance of small area plans, and applies to all new development in the city. Minneapolis 2040 will be used to guide urban design in areas covered by past small area plans.

  • Capital improvements: Capital improvement projects that are identified in small area plans and that are yet to be implemented will be evaluated as part of the 2019 update to Access Minneapolis, the City’s transportation action plan.

  • Community Development Strategies: Minneapolis 2040 updates Housing and Economic Competitiveness policies aimed at achieving this plans’ goals and policies. These are informed by the body of work in the last decade of small area plans. Stakeholders are encouraged to continue with community development strategies identified in small area plans that are yet to be completed and contribute to implementation of Minneapolis 2040 goals and policies.

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